An AppleScript to convert HTML files to PDFs.
It uses wkhtmltopdf for the actual conversion task.
Using the AppleScript Editor application, save the code below as an AppleScript application ( for example).
You need to download wkhtmltopdf separately and copy the executable to Contents/MacOS/ directory inside the application package.
on run
set htmls to choose file with prompt "PDFに変換するHTMLファイルを指定してください。" of type {"public.html"} with multiple selections allowed
my convertHtmlToPdfList(htmls)
end run
on open htmls
my convertHtmlToPdfList(htmls)
end open
on convertHtmlToPdfList(htmls)
tell application "Finder"
set cmd to POSIX path of (path to me) & "Contents/MacOS/wkhtmltopdf"
repeat with html in htmls
if (name extension of html is "html") then
my convertHtmlToPdf(cmd, html)
end if
end repeat
end tell
end convertHtmlToPdfList
on convertHtmlToPdf(cmd, html)
tell application "Finder"
set htmlName to name of html
set {dir, htmlUrl, pdfName} to {POSIX path of (container of html as alias), URL of html, text 1 thru -5 of htmlName & "pdf"}
end tell
do shell script "\"" & cmd & "\" \"" & htmlUrl & "\" \"" & dir & pdfName & "\""
end convertHtmlToPdf
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